Art for Wellbeing Peer Group

For people who use Art to support their wellbeing.

We meet weekly from a dedicated studio space on the ground floor of Everybody Arts for connection, community, recovery, inclusion and creative expression. We try to make a place to feel at home, spend time with others and be creative.

Our sessions take their inspiration from the 5 ways to Wellbeing. We will have some simple creative activities for you to get involved that will explore the different themes and hopefully inspire you to take some ideas away with you that can be continued independently.

Art work from Peer Group member, Sara

The Peer Group is lovely - you can come and do your own thing or participate in a set activity. It helps me to concentrate, mix with other and not think about my problems. It is a lovely group and the people are nice and it is somewhere to go.
— Anita

About the Peer Group

We hope to develop the potential of members to improve their wellbeing using creative arts, peer support and specific workshops.

The group is run independent of the NHS and focuses on improving wellbeing using Art.

The creativity-based structure of the sessions provides the foundation for members to socialise and gain confidence in an environment where we are all valued.

Our Artworks for Health and Wellbeing Peer Group journal

“I joined the group to try to get my confidence back to start producing my own art work again. I usually work alone, so it was quite a challenge to work alongside other people. The classes have boosted my confidence and given my own creativity a real boost. It has been good to discuss new skills and techniques, and adapt these to my own work. Much of the work has fed into an ongoing large scale 15” piece of my own, which is now complete.”
— Mike
Art is really important to me for managing my mental health but I struggle to motivate myself, so having a dedicated time and place to do something creative has been really helpful for me. There’s just the right balance between structure and support and the freedom to do your own thing.
— Artworks for Wellbeing group member
I value activities and places where you can, despite inevitable constraint of time and space (enforced limitations) I can Explore, Create, Relate to others in a non judgemental way and hopefully grow. I have much to learn and a lot to give in this extraordinary environment, which has an astonishing array of resources, notably besides traditional Artist materials (like in a top museum or art gallery) including; for me, a fine stone house of art and artists relevant books accessible to all.

As I live alone and am increasingly hard pressed to find friends (not yet dead) It’s good to have new experiences - we all need them. Within reach on a regular basis, without problems of access, distance, unnecessary fancy qualifications or financial demands - the place is a tonic.
— John

New dates for Spring 2024

Sessions run from 1:30 -3:30pm, Wednesday afternoons on the dates below:

13th December

20th December

*Christmas Break *

10th January

17th January

24th January

31st January

7th February

*Half Term*

We are excited to share content from our Outdoor and Indoor Activity workbooks, which were recently created for Creative Minds by Sarah O'Boyle and Esther Tait. They include gentle and accessible activities that can be used both indoors and outdoors to support your wellbeing. 

How to Sign Up

If you would like to attend the Peer Group or enrol a client please complete this form below, and we will contact you with further details.